Gift of Gobble 2017: Now Accepting Nominations and Donations

Let the nominations (and donations) begin! Gift of Gobble 2017 is officially launched. Now in its eighth year, this program will provide 100 families with entire Thanksgiving feasts that they can prepare and enjoy at home.

To nominate a family, stop by the Yelm Food Cooperative and fill out a nomination form. Be sure to include contact information for the family so that we can reach them in time and please note that nominations will be closed as of Friday, November 17th. One change this year: to maintain the spirit and integrity of why this program was originally created, we are asking all nominators to write a short paragraph describing the family they are nominating and the need they have at this time. A space to do so is included on the back of the nomination forms.

Want to help? Here are two options:

  1. Donate. Just $60.00 will feed a family of six. Drop by the store and contribute today! You can also donate directly on our website HERE.
  2. Volunteer to raise funds. Our goal is to raise $6,000 by closing time on Friday, November 17th. Help us achieve that goal by joining our business outreach team. Contact Heidi Smith at to learn more.

Thank you for making the holiday season brighter for our community!

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