Gift of Gobble

Gift of Gobble is now partnered with Yelm Community Schools Holiday Meals Program trhough Learners Without Limits to support 300 families.

Learners without Limits and Gift of Gobble are combining efforts to streamline both programs, in addition to supporting the 100 meals delivered by Gift of Gobble we will be raising monies for the 200 families supported by Yelm Community Schools during their Thanksgiving giveaway.  All supplies are now ordered together through a grocery outlet in Yelm which provides dock space and volunteers to help pack the bags before being moved to the delivery sites.

Thanksgiving is a celebration of gratitude and abundance, two sentiments at the heart of Gift of Gobble.

Every year this program feeds over a hundred local families who have been nominated by friends, colleagues, or members of the community. Recipients who are struggling financially take home an entire Thanksgiving meal to cook for themselves and their loved ones in the privacy of their own home rather than waiting in line at a shelter or going without. There are no criteria to meet; the simple fact of being nominated is enough to receive a meal, and we have never had to turn anyone away.

The idea began in 2010 when Outreach Coordinator Andrea Levanti envisioned the project and started it with 34 families. It has since grown to feed over 100. Through the years we’ve provided meals for refugees from Hurricane Sandy, people going through a rough patch, single parents struggling to feed their families, community members dealing with large medical bills, senior citizens on fixed incomes and many more. Our community partners who alert us to families in need include JBLM, the Yelm and Rainier School Districts, 9 local churches and various community groups.

Since 2010, the business community and individual donors have contributed generously to Gift of Gobble. This is critical because the program runs 100% on donations. Without the community, it doesn’t exist. A huge thank you to all of the people and organizations that have opened their hearts through the years. We couldn’t do it without you!

Your donation matters.  A contribution of $60.00 will provide a complete holiday meal for a family of six, including a turkey with all the fixings, side dishes, and dessert. Give local families something to be thankful for and donate now.

Sponsors & Donations

The local business community, individual donors and Yelm Food Cooperative shoppers have embraced this program from the start. All contributions go directly toward Thanksgiving meals and the families who need them. Your donation makes the holiday season brighter for neighbors struggling to make ends meet. To donate, click the button below. 

Nominate a Family

If you know of a family or individual in need, you can nominate the anonymously through our online form or fill out a hard copy at the Yelm Food Cooperative and leave it with the cashier. Our volunteers contact all nominated families to make sure that they wish to accept the offer and to provide details about when and where they can pick up their meals. 


Volunteering for Gift of Gobble is so satisfying that many return year after year. The three main areas where you can help are distributing meals, fundraising and helping to prepare meal packs prior to the day of distribution. If you would like to volunteer, please use our volunteer request form.